Saturday, December 7, 2019
Final Report â⬠Hardware Project Essay Sample free essay sample
1. 1 Introduction In the modern societies people are like to do their lives easier. Because their work burden is grow-up. Harmonizing to that state of affairs the society has largely moved to automated systems. There for we besides thought to do an AUTOMATED SUPERMARKET SYSTEM as a assisting system for supermarkets. In this chapter it gives basic cognition and background factors about the undertaking. In this subdivision we kept our attending on the subjects such as background and motive. purposes and aims and importance of the undertaking. From this chapter it can acquire an over position of the undertaking and will stress the reasonability of our undertaking. 1. 2 Background and motive As we mention before today people are really busy with their working. Therefore they donââ¬â¢t have clip to make their daily plants. Such as buy goods from markets. shopping and consulting physicians. Peoples try to salvage clip from those activities. Not merely that we can happen so many issues of this system. We will write a custom essay sample on Final Report ââ¬â Hardware Project Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Such as in the particular season periods it has long waiting lines in the super markets. Not merely has that but besides when the measure is calculated manually. it will instance for many mistakes. That will be a large job for both client and the company. Because it waste the clip of both sides. Besides some tellers donââ¬â¢t have proper cognition about the systems. such as recognition card systems. It has many issues non merely in the client side but besides in the company side excessively. Those are. when the stocks of market is over and the proprietor donââ¬â¢t know about that. To cognize about that he must maintain retainers manually. to look into whether the stocks are commanding correct or non. For that the proprietor should hold many workers with him. Besides there arenââ¬â¢t a better system to keep clients kick and jobs. It takes long clip to work out those jobs with the bing system. Not merely that when there are long waiting lines in the market the proprietor have to keep it. otherwise people put fault on him. When it happen a job in that premises both parties have to blow their clip to work out those jobs. Particularly the proprietor has to work out the jobs in just mode by maintaining his good will. Like that we can happen a batch of jobs and defects with the bing system of ace markets. By mentioning those jobs we thought to do a system named AUTOMATED SUPERMAR KET SYSTEM as a solution for these jobs. 1. 3 Aim and aims Purpose:The purpose of our undertaking was develop an effectual system by giving solutions the above jobs and defects. Itââ¬â¢s AUTOMATED SUPERMARKET SYSTEM. Aims:* Studying engineerings harmonizing to our demands.* Testing the efficiency and cost effectivity.* Designing and implementing the system.* Programing the system.* Design the desktop applications.* Develop the charge system.* Develop the stock commanding system.* Connecting the package portion with hardware portion.* Evaluation the proposed solutions. 1. 4 Our solution ( Automated Supermarket System ) By sing the above jobs we developed our undertaking AUTOMATED SUPERMARKET SYSTEM as a solution for those defects. We supply an easy work for clients from come ining minute to acquire back minute from the super market through our system. After roll uping the wanted goods the client have to travel the scope. which covered by the wireless signals. Then the RFID reads each and every ticket within that scope and cipher the measure. Then after client can pay the measure by his recognition card or nomadic phone. When the measure is paid so it open the door for client to acquire back from the ace market. RFID ReaderRFID ReaderConsecutive Data Communication CircuitConsecutive Data Communication CircuitNot merely to the client we had given solutions for the ace market jobs excessively. When clients buy goods it reduces the stock. To cognize about the decreased goods we develop a system from our undertaking. When the client bargain points and pay the measure. so those points are cut down from the bing stock. Then the stock keeper can come in to the system and can look into about the stock. If the stocks are lower than the standing stock so the stock keeper acquire action to make full those abated points. And the director ( Administrator ) can entree the system and can see the action of ace market. BRAVE HEARTSBRAVE HEARTS RFID TagRFID Tag Figure 1. 1: Simple Structure of the Automated Supermarket System 1. 5 Structure of the Dissertation Here. in our study chapter 1 is allocated for the debut and in chapter 2 it describe about the background information about the undertaking. supplying other attacks to work out the job. Then in chapter 3 it describes the engineering which we used for the undertaking. Chapter 4 describe about attack. In chapter 5 we give the analysis and design that we use to work out the jobs. And Chapter 6 gives a elaborate description about the execution of the undertaking. Chapter 7 gives farther plants and decisions of the undertaking. Chapter 8 provides a Mention of our undertaking. 1. 6 Drumhead This chapter gives a description about the demands which we gather and the solution for those jobs ( the system which we developed ) . And besides background and motive. purpose and aims. job and the proposed solution in the undertaking. The following chapters will depict the information widely about our undertaking. Chapter 2Review of other systems 2. 1 Introduction In the old chapter. we have provided the debut of our undertaking. We have described the background and motive for the undertaking and the importance of the job in the old chapter. After that we have described about the purposes and aims of our proposed solution briefly. In this chapter. we expect to supply the necessary background information of our undertaking. We are traveling to exemplify some other attacks to the jobs that were stated in old chapter. When sing the RFID Billing and Inventory Control Systems in Sri Lanka there are no systems that use RFID engineering although there are systems that offer these maps with barcode engineering. But in abroad we can see that there are some systems to carry through some of the above undertakings but they are really expensive and non low-cost in the Sri Lankan market. 2. 2 Search consequences on similar systems Before set abouting our undertaking we reviewed several undertakings handled in abroad. There have been few old plants which exhibited certain characteristics of the RFID Billing and Inventory Control System. Most of these systems had limited functionalities when compared to our system as they were focused on either Billing and Gross saless or Inventory Control maps. Most of them were marketed towards the big graduated table makers and Sellerss who move big sum of merchandises in their concerns. 2. 3 Problems of other systems Most of the systems focus on either Gross saless or Inventory sector. there are no available systems which gives equal importance both Gross saless and Inventory. There is besides a noticeable deficiency of RFID technological expertness in Sri Lankan market. This has in bend lead to a scarceness of RFID based Gross saless and Inventory Solutions locally. Most of these systems are designed and manufactured aiming big graduated table concerns. Therefore they are hard to be implemented by little to medium scale concerns. There are some RFID Systems that can offer all the maps we offer. But the instance is that these machines are really expensive. Some machines about cost more than 300. 000 LKR ( $ 3000 ) . Most little to medium scale concerns in our state can non pass that sum of money for such a machine. Although some big scale retail ironss in private sector can pass big sum of money but it is useless to pass a big sum of money for a machine when same system utilizing barcode engineering is available really much cheaper and with merely several drawbacks. We develop our system in low budget so that we can supply the machine to local concerns at low cost. Not merely that but besides we can publish this system to freelance enterprisers who run little graduated table supply and distribution services. The maps offered in our system will assist these enterprisers to centralise all of their Gross saless and Inventory operations and salvage batch of clip and resources. 2. 4 DrumheadI. There is no Billing and Inventory Control System that incorporates RFID engineering in Sri Lanka. two. Though other states have similar systems. those systems donââ¬â¢t have all the maps offered by our system. three. These systems are really expensive and non low-cost to most little to medium scale concerns in Sri Lanka. four. There is a deficiency of expertness in RFID engineeringin Sri Lanka. Chapter 3Technology Adapted 3. 1 Introduction This chapter chiefly conveys the thought about the engineerings used to implement our undertaking. Sing the fact that the undertaking and the concluding consequence should be a cost effectual and simple one. we decided to utilize simple but powerful engineerings such as RFID engineering. consecutive communicating. electromagnetic engineering. C # and Microsoft SQL waiter 2012. In this chapter it will be discussed about why those engineerings are appropriate to work out this job. These engineerings were used in the procedure of developing the solution and there were separate engineerings to be used for the hardware subdivision every bit good as the Software subdivision. 3. 2 The Technologies We Used3. 2. 1 Technology used for the Hardware Section3. 2. 1. 1 Radio-Frequency Identification ( RFID ) TechnologyHaving the chief purpose of presenting a usage of RFID engineering. RFID reader and tickets were used to implement our undertaking. RFID is a usage of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequency electromagnetic Fieldss to reassign informations from a ticket attached to an object. for the intent of automatic designation and trailing. Unlike a saloon codification the ticket does non necessitate to be within line of sight of the reader and may be embedded in the tracked object. Because of enabling designation from a distance. RFID engineering was used to develop our undertaking of machine-controlled ace market system. When sing the chief procedure. the readers send a signal to the ticket and read it response. The readers transmit their observations to a computing machine system running the RFID package or RFID middleware. RFID systems typically come under three constellations. * Passive Reader Active Tag ( PRAT ) * Active Reader Passive Tag ( ARPT )* Active Reader Active Tag ( ARAT ) In our undertaking. Active Reader Passive Tag system was used among these three constellations because inactive tickets are easier to utilize. because they donââ¬â¢t need power to run. It is easy to attach to goods in the ace market. In other manus. Active reader was used to have wireless signals from inactive tickets during the procedure. RFID tickets can be either active. passive or battery assisted inactive. Passive tickets used in our undertaking. are cheaper and smaller because it has no battery. Alternatively. the ticket uses wireless energy transmitted by the reader as its energy beginning. In this scenario. the inquisitor must be closed for RF field to be strong plenty to reassign sufficient power to the ticket. Since the tickets have single consecutive Numberss. the RFID system design can know apart several tickets that might be within the scope of the RFID reader and read them at the same time. This is the chief point developed in our undertaking. The tagsââ¬â¢ information is stored electronically in a non-volatile memory. The RFID ticket includes a little RF sender and receiving system and RFID reader transmits an encoded wireless signal to interrogate the ticket. The ticket receives the message and responds with its designation information. This may be merely a alone ticket consecutive figure. or may be product-related information such as a stock figure. batch or batch figure. production day of the month. or other specific information as used in our undertaking. RFID tags contain at least two parts ; an integrated circuit and an aerial. The bit attached to the circuit contains a radio- frequence electromagnetic field spiral that modulates an external magnetic field to reassign a coded designation figure when queried by a reader device. This little type is incorporated in consumer merchandise for designation procedure. 3. 2. 1. 2 Electromagnetic Technology As mentioned before. inactive tickets do non incorporate a battery ; the power is supplied by the reader. When wireless moving ridges from the reader are encountered by a inactive RFID ticket. the coiled aerial within the ticket forms a magnetic field. The ticket draws power from it. stimulating the circuits in the ticket. The ticket so sends the information encoded in the tagââ¬â¢s memory. 3. 2. 1. 3 Consecutive Data Communication The undermentioned circuit diagram shows the consecutive communicating as figure 3. 1. The MAX232 is used to set 5V to 12V. Five capacitances are usually required for the MAX232. The MAX232 degree convertor provides bidirectional electromotive force switching for digital communicating between the RFID reader and Personal computer ( RFID reader works for 5V and PC works for 12V ) . Finally. the female DB-9 connection allows the circuit to link to the PCââ¬â¢s consecutive port. Figure 3. 1: Consecutive communicating circuit diagram 3. 2. 2 Technology used for the Software Section 3. 2. 2. 1 C # In our undertaking. C # is used as the chief scheduling linguistic communication of the package which allows the relevant values to be shown in the computing machine application and stored in the database. Here. Ocular Studio 2010 is used to develop the desktop application. The chief plan of this system has to pass on with different hardware and package faculties so that chief application is really much of import. Therefore the chief application is developed utilizing Visual C # itââ¬â¢s a great advantage that it supports these sorts of Hardware-Software Interfacing. It makes the occupation rather easier and simple. 3. 2. 2. 2 SQL When developing the database. Microsoft SQL waiter 2012 is used in our undertaking of ace market automated system. We used MS SQL to make the database because it is easy to work with C # . And this database is made in to be compatible with the chief application for informations composing and retrieval. 3. 3 Drumhead In this chapter it is discussed about engineerings which are used to work out the job. RFID engineering. consecutive communicating. electromagnetic engineering. C # and Microsoft SQL waiter 2012 were used to develop this undertaking as mentioned before. These engineerings adopted made the device more effectual on what we aim to bring forth and it made the long tally ability of the device a world as it uses contactless feeling methods to acquire inputs. This is a major advantage in utilizing the above engineerings in our device. Chapter 4Our Approach of the undertaking4. 1 IntroductionOur aim of the undertaking was to develop a SUPERMARKET AUTOMATION SYSTEM which has more characteristics and installations upward of the bing systems. In the old subdivisions we described the jobs and the solutions. which we decided to give as solutions. This subdivision will depict how the system works that means about the design and execution phases of the undertaking. It describes the manner we developed our undertaking in the existent universe environment. 4. 2 How the system should workWe developed our system as a solution for the manual informations entry system of supermarkets. In here our chief map was to avoid the defects of supermarket ââ¬â manual informations entry system and stock control system. We made this merchandise with pattern for the user. Because we produce it for the easy work of both clients and manufacturers. They havenââ¬â¢t any heavy work with our system. After roll uping the goods from the market the client should maintain his cart with-in the country which we introduce as the measure ciphering country. When client pushed his cart to that country the RFID reads all the ticket of the goods and car calculate the measure. Then client has to pay the measure from his recognition card of nomadic phone. If the dealing ends with successful so it leads to open the door of the supermarket. Besides if the stocks of the racks are less than the pre-defined scope it will give a warning to the stock keepers by directing a massage. And the proprietor of the supermarket can log to the system as decision maker and look into the all minutess and other inside informations. 4. 3 Procedure of the designFirst we analysis the demands and understudied the job. Then we try to plan the procedure which we can do the undertaking successfully. In that design procedure we decided to make the system as three chief phases to finish the work efficaciously. 1. Hardware portion 2. Software portion 4. 3. 1 Hardware There are two chief hardware constituents in our system. First portion is RFID Module. Second is Consecutive Communication Circuit. Due to the deficiency of needed research lab installations to do the RFID circuit. we had to purchase an assembled 1. The Consecutive Communication Circuit is made utilizing a MAX232 and five capacitances of 1uF. The MAX232 degree convertor provides bidirectional electromotive force switching for digital communicating between the RFID and Personal computer as they work on different electromotive force degrees. Finally. the female DB-9 stopper is connected the circuit to link to the PCââ¬â¢s consecutive port. 4. 3. 2 Software SQL Database is one major constituent of our system. It is a aggregation of interlinked tabular arraies for hive awaying informations. It can hive away information on merchandises. employees and providers. The commanding package is written in C # is used to pull strings the informations stored in the database. Its maps include Add. Update and Delete. 4. 4 DrumheadIn this chapter it is discussed about the execution of the system to work out this job. In following chapter it will be discussed about the analyses and design. Chapter 5Analysis and Design 5. 1 Introduction This chapter states how the engineering was implemented in the device. And in this chapter the inside informations of the units of the system suggested by us is described. A complete description of both the Hardware Segment and the Software Segment is included with graphical looks as good. This Chapter will assist to understand the proficient facet of the System developed. 5. 2 Circuit of the RFID Reader In our undertaking. Active Reader Passive Tag system was used among these three constellations. The RFID reader continuously transmits a 125 kilohertz bearer signal utilizing its aerial. The inactive RFID ticket. embedded in an id card for illustration. powers on from the bearer signal. Once powered on. the ticket transmits. back to the reader. an FSK encoded signal incorporating the information stored on the card. The FSK signal is a one hundred twenty-five kilohertz bearer. with 12. 5 kilohertz as the grade frequence. and a 15. 625 kilohertz as the infinite frequence. The encoded signal is picked up by the readerââ¬â¢s aerial. filtered. and processed on the embedded microcontroller to pull out the tagââ¬â¢s alone individuality. At this point the individuality can be matched against the records stored on the reader. Figure 5. 1: Circuit of RFID Reader In this scenario. RFID faculty has to be bought due to non holding adequate research lab installations to tune the above frequences in doing RFID reader. Therefore. we bought RFID faculty to go on our undertaking. 5. 3 Consecutive Communication CircuitWe use the above circuit diagram for the consecutive communicating. We use MAX232 to set 5V to 12V. Five capacitances are usually required for the MAX232. The MAX232 degree convertor provides bidirectional electromotive force switching for digital communicating between the RFID reader and Personal computer ( RFID reader works for 5V and PC works for 12V ) . Finally. the female DB-9 connection allows the circuit to link to the PCââ¬â¢s consecutive port. 5. 4 SoftwareSoftware portion consists of a SQL database and DBMS package written in C # . It can besides compose informations read by the RFID circuit into the database. It supports storing of merchandise. employee and provider information. 5. 5 drumhead In this chapter it is discussed about analyses and the design of system to work out this job. In following chapter it will be discussed about the execution. Chapter 6Execution6. 1 IntroductionIn above chapter we discussed about the analysis and design of our undertaking. Here we are traveling to mentioned and see about how we implement our design. what are the resources we are utilizing for that. what our inputs are. how it works and what the out puts are. 6. 2 ExecutionFigure 6. 1: Working process of RFID System 6. 2. 1 RFID ModuleRFID Module is one of the major constituents in our system. It is the constituent used to read the informations stored in RFID ticket. Due to the jobs stated in Chapter 4. we had to purchase the RFID faculty from a seller alternatively of doing it. It was connected to an external power beginning of 5V and its RS-232 end product was plugged in to the Consecutive Communication Circuit. 6. 2. 2 Consecutive Communication Circuit Consecutive Communication Circuit is the 2nd hardware constituent of our system. It converts the consecutive end product signal of the RFID Module to be compatible with the USB port of the Personal computer. When implementing the Consecutive Communication Circuit. we built the circuit utilizing a MAX232 IC to change over a RS-232 signal to TTL. The circuit is powered by an external 5V power beginning. Input is by RX and TX ports and end product port is a Personal computer DB9 Female. 6. 2. 3 Database Our undertaking has 2 major parts. One portion is hardware and the other portion is package. We have already talked about the hardware execution. Then we talk about the package execution. The database contains all the necessary information about the stock list. employees and providers of the ace market. The database is written in SQL and is implemented utilizing the Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Learning SQL and Database Design in Level 1 Semester 2 truly helped us in planing and coding the database. 6. 2. 4 Controling Software This is one of the most of import constituents of our system as it controls all the maps of our system. The package is written utilizing C # in the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment. All the SQL questions and informations use methods are included in this package. Before we developed the package. we had to larn C # . Learning C linguistic communication in Level 1 Semester 1 helped us well in understanding constructs of C # . 6. 3 Drumhead In this chapter it is discussed about the execution portion of the undertaking. Following chapter it will be discussed about the jobs we faced. Chapter 7Conclusion A ; Further Works 7. 1 Introduction In the completion of our undertaking of Supermarket Automated System. we have faced many challenges and jobs. In this chapter it will be discussed about what were the jobs that we had to confront when implementing the system. utilizing the new engineerings and analysing and planing the undertaking. Having deficiency of cognition about new engineerings. deficiency of adequate lab installations were the chief jobs faced. 7. 2 Problems We Faced 7. 2. 1 Finding a RFID Reader The intent of the undertaking is to present the RFID engineering to the Sri Lankan industry. Therefore the chief measure was to happen a RFID reader to be implemented the undertaking due to non holding a RFID reader in the research labs in the IT Faculty. With the permission of the Electronic and Telecommunication section. it was requested to hold a RFID reader for the execution of the undertaking. But it was unable to be success as expected because of non holding a RFID reader in the Electronic and Telecommunication section. 7. 2. 2 High Monetary values of RFID Modules As mentioned before. Active Reader Passive Tag constellation was used in the system. Due to the demand of a RFID reader for the execution of the undertaking it was suggested to purchase a Reader. When sing the monetary value of these Readers it depends on the type of reader. Active readers are typically purchased as portion of a complete system. with tickets and mapping package to find the tags location. Most UHF readers cost from $ 500 to $ 2. 000. depending on the characteristics in the device. Because of expensiveness of these RFID faculties with their moderate sensing scope. the suggestion to purchase a Reader was rejected among the group members. 7. 2. 3 Lack of adequate installations of the Labs Another suggestion was come up to be built a RFID faculty as a solution to the job faced. The RFID reader continuously transmits a 125 kilohertz bearer signal utilizing its aerial. Besides The FSK signal is a one hundred twenty-five kilohertz bearer. with 12. 5 kilohertz as the grade frequence. and a 15. 625 kilohertz as the infinite frequence. Because of above mentioned high frequences. it was failed to construct the circuit of the faculty. These frequences canââ¬â¢t be tuned under the bing installations in the research labs we have. 7. 2. 4 Lack of Knowledge about the RFID Technology The chief job faced throughout the undertaking is the deficiency of cognition about the RFID Technology. As mentioned before. a RFID reader/writer faculty and its inactive tickets are used for the undertaking. The job is even though the faculty shows that the ticket has been detected. we are unable to read the informations in the ticket. When explicating the job in elaborate that the package provided with it doesnââ¬â¢t place the ticket. First. it was tried to work out this affair by acquiring support of the lab teachers in the IT module and it was non be successful due to the deficiency of cognition of them sing this engineering. Then. the job was presented to Lankatronics Trading ( Pvt ) Ltd. under the counsel of lab teachers in the IT module. They besides were unable to give a solution because they do non usually import RFID reader-writer faculties ( 13-56 MHz ) as required. With the purpose of happening out about the RFID Technology. we connected with Dr. Ranga Rodrigo. Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering. Faculty of Engineering through the undertaking advisor of the group. Even in this scenario. it was besides unable to come up with a solution because he has non worked with RFIDs. and he has merely worked with NFC cards for their FYP which is really much similar to RFID. Finally. we request the support of Mr. P. M. Karunarathna. Head of the section of Interdisciplinary Studies to be connected with some people who are familiar with the RFID Technology. Even in this affair. it was unable to derive a solution and it was decided to go on the undertaking by bettering other parts until obtaining a solution to the job. 7. 2. 5 Lack of cognition in Software Section In our undertaking. C # is used as the chief scheduling linguistic communication of the package which allows the relevant values to be shown in the computing machine application and stored in the database and when developing the database. Microsoft SQL waiter 2012 is used to be easy to work with C # . Therefore. first it had to be familiar with both C # and Microsoft SQL in the procedure of finishing the package portion of the undertaking.
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